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Sex Abuse

There are more people involved in a sexual abuse case than simply the victim ('survivor') and the paedophile.

In this moving series of articles, the voices of every person involved in a sex abuse case are heard – from the survivor to the investigating officers and legal experts.

Sex abuse: the survivor

The lasting nightmare of child abuse. Peter Saunders tells how the scars last for a lifetime.

Sex abuse: the probation officer

How to shatter the sex offending cycle. Donald Finlater treats sex offenders, trying to stop them re-offending.

Sex abuse: the police

Inside Scotland Yard?s Paedophilia Unit. 'We?re dealing with very serious crimes,' warns DCI Reynolds.

Sex abuse: the mother

Whirlwind romance led to horror of child abuse. He was everything my first husband wasn?t.

Sex abuse: the legal expert

The law is failing the victims of child abuse. Barbara Joel-Essam is trying to change the culture around sex offence.

Sex abuse: the investigator

The man who catches child abusers. 'Abusing children is the main focus of some people?s lives.'

Sex abuse: the expert

?You can buy a child for a packet of crisps?. Grim warning from Britain?s top sex crime consultant.

Sex abuse: the abuser

Abuser who claims six-year-old led him on. Convicted paedophile hasn?t yet taken full responsibility for his crimes.

These articles were originally published in MSN NEWS

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