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About Me

Nick Ryan is a British writer and producer, with a passion for powerful and moving stories about the human condition.

For details of my media & PR consultancy, please visit: CONSULTING

Great storytelling. Powerful and moving tales. That's what interests me.

Over the past 20 years, my stories have taken me from the refugee camps of the former Yugoslavia, to civil war in Kurdistan, the kung fu masters of south-eastern China to South African townships.

My clients have included titles as varied as The Guardian, The Observer Magazine, The (London) Times Magazine, The Telegraph Magazine, The Mail on Sunday, The Express, Mother Jones, The New York Times Magazine, The Globe & Mail, The Irish Times, The Scotsman, The South China Morning Post, The Weekend Australian, WIRED, Esquire, Shortlist and GQ.

I'm also, at times, an author and ghostwriter, reviewer, consultant TV producer and communications consultant for various non-profit groups, as well as guest lecturer. I was previously one of the editors at the Royal Geographical Society magazine, Geographical.


The inspiration for my writing and journalism came from a massive backpacking adventure I began in 1990. I worked for several months on a kibbutz in Israel, surviving an assault by visiting British mercenaries on their way to the Lebanon; travelled into the Occupied Territories; sailed down the Nile in a hired felucca boat, piloted by a one-eyed captain; hitched across Jordan in a VW van and camped with the Bedouin in the desert.

I then entered the oil kingdom of Kuwait and worked for a short time as an English teacher, leaving the country just before the invasion by Saddam Hussein. After backpacking and driving around parts of Indonesia, my path took me to various dead-end jobs in Australia (where I was famously turned down by McDonalds); then to a turbulent three months in The Philippines, before moving into Hong Kong, Macau and China; finally arriving back in Europe, and France, where I worked as an English teacher.


My work won me a Special Commendation award from the International Federation of Journalists in 1999, after my first piece on neo-nazi gang Combat 18 was published in The Independent On Sunday Review. In 2005 I was also longlisted for the Paul Foot Award for Campaigning Journalism, sponsored by Private Eye magazine and The Guardian.


HOMELAND, my first book, tackles the rise of the extreme right in a unique, sometimes disturbing, adventure/odyssey which has been compared to George Orwell's work. Adventure, travel and extremism, all rolled into one. You won't have read anything else like it. Find out more here.


My work for HOMELAND led to my involvement as creative producer on the BBC1 drama, England Expects, over three-and-a-half years. I have also acted as a consultant producer on a variety of TV projects, including several BBC documentaries, regional ITV documentaries, and consulted for the Sky One series "Ross Kemp on Gangs".

Contact me at: nick@nickryan.net

Nick Ryan description on United Agents website.

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Blog: Ryan's Rants
Twitter: @ryanscribe

What They Say

"fascinating stuff"
Kyle Crichton, foreign editor The New York Times Magazine  

"enormously interesting...I applaud your good work"
Bruce Stirling, best-selling novelist and Wired columnist  

"you write beautifully"
Josh Knelman, The Walrus Magazine

"fascinating stories ... very well and excitingly written."
Neil Russell, Hollywood producer

TV Consultant Producing

• Sky 1: 'Ross Kemp on Gangs'
• ITV Yorkshire: 'Boots and Suits'
• BBC1 Drama: 'England Expects'
• BBC2 Documentaries 'Love Thy Neighbour'


England Expects

(BBC1, April 2004) was the first major UK TV drama on the Far Right in over 20 years. Written by Frank Deasy, Nick Ryan was the show's creative producer.

'one of those dramas that has "gritty", "brave" and "challenging" stamped all over it' - Radio Times

'belonged in the tradition of urban British TV classics such as Alan Clarke's Made In Britain, Mike Leigh's Meantime, and Phil Davis's ID... this was a raw and polished piece of work - a stylishly shot, meticulous insight into the psyche of [a] right-wing loner' - The Mirror

'All credit to the BBC for commissioning England Expects' - The Observer
'Steven Mackintosh was on blistering, chilling form for this dark and gripping drama' - The People

'a psychologically convincing portrait of how the powerless prey on the powerless' - The New Statesman

'a mesmerising performance' - Daily Record

'that rarity, a television production that dares to confront the despicable cesspit of bigotry, violence and paranoia that constitutes 21st-century reality' The Scotsman

'convincing...chilling...powerful' - The Guardian

'drama of the highest order' - The Herald