Blog: Ryan's Rants |
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"A terrific and moving feature – to be honest, I didn't think I'd want to read it, but I read every word" "fascinating stuff" "enormously interesting...I applaud your good work" "excellent...I filter through a lot of junk news trying to
find quality as this...keep it up!!" "very strong...absolutely terrifying" "excellent" "excellent"
"you write beautifully" |
See one of my first ever national newspaper stories, a report on the changing face of the deprived London borough of Hackney, (The Independent 1994)
Architects who save the world
– see inside WIRED
My Newspaper & Magazine clients (See Journalist Directory listing) UK: Overseas: Magazines: Online: |
Book & TV Reviews (read more at The Express, Shortlist and The South China Morning Post):
Revolutionary Road ©2009
Forget explosions or Tinseltown: this winter turn to Revolutionary Road, a sublime story that has lain in the dust for the past half century and is now resurrected as a major movie. Telegraph.
Farce With A Heart ©2008
Nick's to-camera review of the new Pathé film, Easy Virtue, for the Telegraph's website.
The Afghan by Freddie Forsyth
South China Morning Post.
Mr Kim by Jennifer Barclay
South China Morning Post.
The Minutes of the Lazarus Club by Tony Pollard
South China Morning Post.
Twelve by Jasper Kent
South China Morning Post.
Cliff Richard: My Life, My Way by Sir Cliff Richard
South China Morning Post.
East End Chronicles by Ed Glinert ©2005
Read about the mysteries and mayhem of the real East Enders.
Unveiled ©2005
A review of two new books on modern Islam, including Irshad Manji's controversial The Trouble With Islam.
Will London's East End witness a return to confrontation?
Opinion piece on radicalism in east London, for website (2010)
Bali Carnage
I know the tiny Indonesian island of Bali well. Or at least, I once did. It provided me with a haven, somewhere to recharge body and spirit, after I left the Middle East.
Fear and Loathing
Returning to a subject he last visited for The Guardian five years ago, author Nick Ryan reveals that extremism is continuing to thrive online.
Heart of Darkness?
It is not just militant Islamists that seek to profit from the current Middle East crisis. Far-right Holocaust revisionists are attempting to capitalise on it too. (2004)
National Affront
As the BBC unveils the first major drama to tackle the far right in over 20 years, the show's creative producer recalls some of his encounters among extremists. (2004)
Peace Fire
I came to this project in a strange kind of way: in 1990 I was a backpacker. That odd breed of traveller, often young, that likes to consider itself different or aloof to regular tourists. (2002)
The Rise of Europe's Right
We urgently need to address the rise of the extreme Right across western Europe, argues writer Nick Ryan, whose recent book Homeland is an investigation of white nationalism. (2004)
The Rise of the Invisible Extremist
He may not have looked like a typical racist thug but nail bomber David Copeland posed an even greater threat. Op-ed by Nick Ryan for The Express newspaper ©2000.
Web Specials:
Exposing the Scale of Sexual Abuse ©1997
There are more people involved in a sexual abuse case than simply the victim ('survivor') and the paedophile. In this moving series of articles, the voices of every person involved in a sexual abuse case are heard from the survivor, to the investigating officers and legal experts. A special report for MSN UK News.
The Battle for Lyminge Forest ©1997
In 1997 Nick Ryan spent time living with eco-protesters in Kent as they battled developers over Lyminge Forest. A special report for MSN UK News.
Meeting the Bashful
James McGunn, one of the global fraud busters, with a Time magazine cover featuring himself on security detail with Richard Nixon
Investigation into sexual
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